Urriak 16 Igandea 20:00

CONTINENTAL [USA] live! American Rock & Roll
Sarrera: 5

Continental is working people's rock and roll. Literally. Like most these days, simply being a musician doesn't pay the bills. So, father and son Rick and Stephen Barton paint houses when they're not on the road to make ends meet and maybe more importantly to keep the band and music going.

Although Rick is very well-known in certain circles for his songwriting and production on projects such as Everybody Out! Street Dogs, and FM359, he has probably made his biggest impact as guitarist and founding member of Dropkick Murphys.

Continental's second full-length release, Millionaires, finds them perfecting their unique blend of influences including rock, punk, country, folk, and blues. Rick's often personal lyrics and storytelling also help to set this record apart from the typical rock offering. The result being an album of singular American Rock and Roll!

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